How to prepare your landscape for winter

As winter comes, you should start thinking about how you can keep your landscape in tip-top condition despite the weather. There are many things you can do to set up your landscape for the colder time of year. A lot of preparation can be done, from mowing the lawn before winter to planning perennials for winter.

Let’s begin!

Keep aerating all the time

Aerating your turf is a great way to keep your landscape in top condition for winter. Through this, water, oxygen, and fertilizer can easily reach the roots deep underground.

At this point it is time to start thinking with the fertilization process. You can give your grass the basics it needs to survive the cooler time of year.

Fertilizing is the best way to strengthen grass

A pre-winter mid-fertilization means your turf will be well-fed with extra nutrients during the cold season of the year.

Subsequent root growth will help your grass withstand colder weather longer, as well as give it a solid start next spring.

Sweeping leaves

It is very important to reliably dispose of fallen leaves on your property as much as possible before the onset of winter. If fallen leaves are left intact on your property, the grass below cannot get the sunlight it needs to stay healthy and fight disease.

Adding mulch is important

Adding mulch keeps your yard protected from cold temperatures and inclement weather. This is very important because it protects the soil. Acting as a barrier, mulch tries to maintain the temperature of your beds throughout the cooler months of the year, effectively protecting the bases of your plants from frost and helping them retain moisture.

Eliminate debris from your yard

It's a good idea to dispose of sticks and branches so they don't rot and turn into shriveled bits when you run the mower over them next spring.

Build your own irrigation system

It is important to prepare the irrigation system before winter arrives so that you can save yourself from costly repairs. If it is not maintained, it can cause serious problems for you during the winter season.

Prepare for potential frost snaps

Although it never snows in Southern California, with the climate being unpredictable these days we should always hope for the best but prepare for the worse. Take care to do any needed preparations in case temperatures dip into the 30s.


Protecting your investment and keeping your landscape in top health is very important and necessary. Without proper preparation, winter conditions can wreak havoc, so stay pro-active and prevent potential future headaches by taking action now.
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