DIY Adventures: How to enclose a patio
Step #1: A patio is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but two factors may prevent you from enjoying your patio as much as you'd like to. These are inclement weather and insects and pests. Imagine if you could be out on the patio during a rainstorm? Or when the bugs are particularly bad? Enclosing a patio is a great way to get the most out of your patio. To start, enclosing a patio only works if the patio has a roof or some kind of overhead covering. If your patio does not have a roof installed, you can order prefabricated roof kits or build your own.
Step #2: Once a permanent roof installation covers your patio, the next step is to decide the type of material you'd like to use to enclose your patio. Most homeowners choose aluminum or vinyl screens, but some choose drapes, curtains, bamboo, artificial grass latices, vinyl partitions, or roll-up canvas covers. Some enclosing material is more complicated to install than others. Since screens are the most common material utilized, we'll look at installing screens onto a patio.
Step #3: First, calculate the amount of screen material you will need. Measure the height and width of each side of your patio, from the ground to the roof, then add 10%. This is how much screen you should buy. Next, pick the type of screen you would like to use. Screen mesh comes in aluminum or plastic versions, with aluminum lasting longer and being more durable but also more expensive.
Step #4: Once you've purchased the type of screen you want and the correct amount of it, install base strips and other backing strips onto the floor of the patio, the underside of the roof, and on the vertical supports that hold the roof up. These should be strips of wood that give you something to attach the screen to. Ensure that the wood strips are installed a few inches back into the patio from the patio's edge and the roof's edge. You want the roof to overhang the screen a bit to help prevent the screen from rainwater damage and other elements.
Step #5: Finally, cut your pieces of screen to cover each section of vertical space surrounding your patio. Attach that screen to the backing strips with staples, then attach a cap strip (could be as simple as a piece of wood or vinyl) over the screen, wherever it's attached to a back strip. And just like that, you've enclosed your patio with a brand-new screen! No more bugs!
What’s Next?
That wraps up our DIY Pro Tips on how to build a patio enclosure. We hope you found it useful!While you’re DIY’ing if you happen to get stuck and all seems hopeless, feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to answer any questions you have.
Just give us a call: 800-495-0148